martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

Smoke nigths

Noches de humo, noches de música. 

Noches para pensar, para escuchar.

Noches de luna, noches de sol.

Noches de vida, noches de muerte.

Noches de amor, noches de odio.

Noches de mi, noches de ella.

Noches de todos, noches de nadie.

Noches de humo, noches de música. 

Noches verdes. 

Saturday Night ( Misfits )

There's 52 ways to murder anyone 
One or two are the same, 
And they both work as well 
I'm coming clean for Amy, 
Julie doesn't scream as well 
And the cops won't listen all night 
And so maybe, maybe I'll be over 
Just as soon as I fill them all in 

And I can remember when I saw her last 
We were running all around and having a blast 
But the back seat of the drive-in 
Is so lonely without you 
I know when you're home 
I was thinking about you, 
There was was something I forgot to say 
I was crying on a Saturday night 
I was out cruising without you, 
They were playing our song 
Crying on Saturday night 

As the moon becomes the night time 
You go viciously, quietly away 
I'm sitting in the bedroom, 
Where we used to sit and smoke cigarettes 
Now I'm watching, watching you die 

I can remember when I saw her last 
We were running all around and having a blast 
But the back seat of the drive-in 
Is so lonely without you 
I know when you're home 
I was thinking about you, 
There was something I forgot to say 
I was crying on a Saturday night 

I was out cruising without you, 
They were playing our song 
Crying on Saturday night 

Crying on saturday night 
Crying on saturday night

domingo, 5 de mayo de 2013

Before long

Quiero que llegue pronto el verano...
Irme a la playa un mes. Solo. Acompañado únicamente por el gato.
Hincharme a fumar y disfrutar de la tranquilidad.
Y olvidar.
Y soñar.
Y salir de noche por la playa.
Lápiz y papel en mano, retratando cada imagen que vea en forma de palabras.

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

Poco tiempo

Poco he escrito en Abril y poco voy a hacer en Mayo porque tengo la agenda repleta de quehaceres. Muchísimas cosas y poco tiempo... Estudios, vida personal, deporte, música, porros... 

Ale, hasta que vuelva a escribir algo dejo que contempléis mi careto :D